Friday 20 June 2008


Well son number 1 finished his GCSEs today and is going around like an inebriated toddler - permamently on a high, made worse by drinking Red Bull or some such vile concoction. He thinks that is that but, assuming (!) that he passes each stage and wants, of course, to continue, although he does at the moment, this is just the first part of what could be a very long haul: GCSEs, AS, A2, first year uni, second and last, but not least, finals. Even with a potential gap year that is still a formidable challenge which he must surmount and I hope that he, who is so laid back that he is horizontal, realises that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm 50, and my son's 18, daughter 16. I tell them until they weary that learning is never ending - and so is examination.

Some examinations are less formal, but every interview is an exam of sorts - and the pass/fail can be just as serious.

So my helpful advice to the?

"Get used to it".