Sunday, 22 June 2008

Clearing out the library

Books books books and more bloody books ... Been clearing out a massive pile of the things of which only fraction are worth reading ! M&B (not mine!) by the bucket load but a fair few I have been looking for :-) One or two I wonder why the hell I bought (Roger Penrose's "Road to Reality" falls into that category since it is so obtuse and mathematically beyond me that my poor brain couldn't cope with it!) but some I will be re-reading: John Sugden's Nelson - A dream of glory is a superb biography of the first part of the admiral's life and it would be difficult to better; Correlli Barnett's "Engage the enemy more closely" is a brilliant portrayal of the RN in WW2. And complete Sherlock Holmes even turned up ... Think son #2 will enjoy that.

The only issue has been that all of this has required a hell of a lot of bending down ... ouch....

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