Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Attack on our freedoms

Guido and elsewhere have blogged this from the Times . It is one of the most serious attacks on both our freedoms and government openness that has occured for a long time.


BenefitScroungingScum said...

Little tech tip about posting links (about the only time I'll ever be able to give tech advice!)
In the er thingy above the box where you type your post, what is it called where all the lil symbols are?
Anyway, in that thingy there is a lil green blog which looks like a monster with teeth in between text colour and some straight lines.
Select the text you want to turn into a link, like click here, then Click on the green tooth monster and it'll give you a space to put your website addressy thing.
Impressed? I'm off to apply for a job in technical support ;) lol

Bonetired said...

Ohh yes! It works as well!