Wednesday 19 November 2008


There are times when the stupidity of the government knows no bounds. The new idea that men who frequent prostitutes could be subject to criminal prosecution if the prostitutes are controlled by pimps is one of those crass ideas.

Lets get this straight: the traffic of women for the sex trade is a vile, disgusting and in some cases dangerous business but the government sees the easiest point of attack not being the pimps or the traffickers but rather the men who use the prostitutes. The point that "Pleading ignorance of the circumstances under which a prostitute is working will not count as a defence." is obviously designed to try and ensure that all forms of prostitution are driven even further underground - and probably making it even more dangerous - since obviously no prostitute is going to carry a "I don't work for a pimp" card. It is also pertinant to remember that prostitution itself isn't a criminal offence.

The answers are:

  • Tighten border controls to stop the smuggling in of women
  • Go for the pimps and traffickers - hit them hard. They are the merchants of human misery
  • Provide legalised and regulated brothels - treat them in the same way as any other business would be. This is what happens in Australia
  • Provide a comprehensive help service for those girls who probably through drugs - are the most vulnerable.

One point though: I cannot see many juries convicting men if the "ignorance defence" is attempted. It didn't work in Finland (the only other country that has this law) and I doubt it will work here.

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