Sunday 8 February 2009

That travel database ...

Apart from it being a further intolerable intrusion into our liberties, I don't have really too many concerns about it. You see the government's record of running IT projects is so diabolical that I really can't see it being any near completion before the Tories get in to power. The only thing is that God alone knows how much dosh will be wasted on it before the plug is pulled....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that not a week goes by without another assault on our freedoms. In the face of a largely unaccountable EU and the whims of the global financial system, politicians are no longer able to control anything meaningful. They have been reduced to authoritarian interference in the minutae of our lives.

Instead of NuLabour's propogandist mantra of, "If you having nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear," I suggest my own, "Without privacy, there is no democracy!"