Tuesday 3 February 2009

Foreign Workers

I have been watching the spreading strikes across the country concerning the use of foreign workers in the construction industry with a wry smile. You see, there is one British industry that has been decimated by the use of off-shore workers and virtually no one has raised an eyebrow.

The use of off-shore IT workers has absolutely savaged the British industry - an industry that is at the cutting edge of the technology and cannot be thought of as obsolete .

The workers are not actually physically present in this country - but with modern telecommunications that doesn't matter and they might as well be. Workers in India and China already login to computers in the UK, developing and testing software which means they directly challenge British workers for jobs.


Anonymous said...

Very perceptive post; I suppose one difference is the thousands of offshore IT workers aren't moored on a ship outside the offices of the offshoring companies.

Bonetired said...

Agreed but the point still remains that for all intents and purposes there physical location makes absolutely no difference.

Anonymous said...

Leaving aside the fact that many of these "offshore" workers are actually sitting in offices in the UK ...