Thursday 4 September 2008

Metro Hotel

One of the things that this country can be genuinely proud of are our armed forces. One the whole the forces - and especially the army - have performed their - sometimes thankless - task with humour and a professionalism that is rare today. There have been problems in the last few years - the Deepcut bullying scandal and allegations of deliberate abuse of civilians, some of the latter have ended up as court-martials - but these are very rare indeed.

So I get extremely angry when I read a story about a serving soldier being turned away by a hotel for being in the military.

The prejudices rampant more than a hundred years ago of Kipling's Tommy (I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,The publican 'e up an sez, "We serve no red-coats here.") should have been long forgotten.

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