Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Which is greener?

We have the despised two week rota for rubbish - one week green (some plastics, paper, metal etc) and the next general household waste (black since that is the colour of the wheelie bin).

Now our council will not accept any black rubbish that is not in the wheelie bin (they will green) and so if you have extra stuff then it is a trip to the tip. It is obvious that we are not alone in that since last Saturday the queue to get into the tip banked itself nicely up on the main road outside.

Not everybody (including myself -we had some old bits of computer which could be recycled ) was dumping "black" rubbish but a lot of people were so I was left wondering how many extra carbon miles are done by people taking stuff up to the tip in the backs of their cars which would have been collected by the single council lorry a few years ago.

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