Tuesday 29 July 2008

Labour is doomed

And now not just Brown. If the Times is correct and Harman and Miliband are actively drawing up plans to challenge Brown (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article4423052.ece) then Labour is doomed. The only difference is in the timing. Now we all know that we are not a presidential system and that the electorate do not elect Prime Ministers but the screams for an election if Brown is deposed would be long and very very loud and would probably be impossible to ignore. The authority of a new PM would be virtually non-existant from the start. I cannot see that a change in PM (contrary to what Janet Daly wrote in the Telegraph the other day) would significantly improve Labours chances - especially if the Conservatives start getting their policies out en-masse.

1 comment:

BenefitScroungingScum said...

I agree, they are doomed, but is this the start of something more significant, a complete change in politics and political parties I wonder, BG