Thursday 16 April 2009

A very harsh decision

I am appalled at the striking off of the nurse, Margaret Haywood, by the Nursing and Midwifery Council earlier today. It seems to be a gross over-punishment for the whistle blower. To be honest, if I or one of my relations were in such a hospital I would much prefer that the deficiencies in care - which could possibly cause physical harm to a patient - were exposed even if there were the possibility of some loss of confidentiality.

This is also a bad decision for another reason; I would have hoped that after the Stafford debacle where concerns were raised but ignored by those in authority, lessons had been learnt about people who expose such dreadful mismanagement. This striking off is a huge retrograde step since it strengthens the position of the management who caused the problem in the first place. Nurses, doctors and others will now have the threat of losing their jobs if they speak to the press about terrible conditions in the NHS.

This travesty must be reversed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not so much whistle blowing is it, she took TV camera's into the hospital that has upset people.

One thing to tell a News paper about problems or the media another to invite them in to see themselves. I suspect this has done the most damage, but yes getting the sack for telling the fact I would be willing to fight against, taking in TV camera's not to sure.